Monday, September 15, 2008

pictures from excursion #1

More pics to come soon...but you should start at the bottom and work your way up... the captions make more sense that way probably...

cultural sesnsitivism is something we are lectured on daily here in Morocco... :) hahah the men in the fabric making place all wrapped our heads "traditionally" and we took a group pic... we obviously then bought lots of scarves so needless to say their tactics work like a charm

this is one of many rooms FULL of all the leather goods at the tannery..

floor to ceiling jammed pack!

the coolest thing i have possibly ever seen. These are the vats at the tanneries that are used to make and dye the leather. The hydes are soaked in different vats for days/weeks before the final products apear (stinky.. but really cool)

the bronze district (this is exactly what all the streets look like in the medina.. tiny little shops all lined up along the edges of the streets)

a blacksmith and his pet chicken..? (the chicken is tied by his foot to that table) but at least he wasn't being carried upsdie down in a pack of 10 liek many of his cousins in the streets of Fez.

yes that's a camel head... this little median kiosk was selling camel meat and needed to prove the legitimacy of there goods... ew

Even when the streets weren't increadibly narrow, they were still jammed pack

the streets were seriously maze-like and increadibly narrow at times

Fez was such an awseom huge city.. this is really jsut a view of the medina.

This is the gate to the King's largest place in Fez. He has 3 in the city though and 30 throughout the entire country... necessary? no, but beautiful nonetheless...

We went to the graineries in Meknes and they were really cool but empty...

Morocco loves gates/doors. I've seen a million--each one of course being "the most beautiful/largest" in allll of North Africa. But in all seriousness, they are absolutely beautiful! I wish i could get a picture that would really show the intricacy and detail (all hand made of course) of alll these huge gates!


gail/mimi said...

If that's you in the green shirt in the narrow walkway, then I could figure out which one you were when you all had the cloths on your heads. Aren't you glad that's not part of our culture?
BEAUTIFUL pictures.......THANKS!

Ándrea said...

Thanks for the pictures! They are really cool.

ldanieri said...

I don't know Mom, those headwraps would eliminate all of my issues with bad hair days. Kind of like a school uniform in that it is one less thing that you would have to think about!

Kate Carlyle said...

I actually love the headwraps. very neat :) The pictures are beautiful- I love the one of the gates. You are just all over the place I love it!!!!
thanks for sharing with us

Poppy & Holly said...

Jacey, u r 2 funny! I guess you passed your sister's test, by not running out of the bath screaming.
Might want 2 wait awhile before u have another "massage", or your skin will all be off! Your descriptions and side notes are great fun to read. Keep writing! :)