Sunday, November 9, 2008

Sunshine: don't leave me!!

So yay.. I love Morocco again! It’s been a pretty awful, down, last few weeks. I’ve been ready to be home and I just have been OVER being in Morocco. But that’s just because lots of silly little things had kind of piled up but slowly I’ve been able to dig myself out of this pile scoop by scoop. First of all, there’s only one week left of homestay and class. Then, although I’ll be traveling nonstop for about a month, at least it will all be on my own terms and I get to choose when and what I eat, etc. Plus class for the most part will be over except for the final paper. AND I finaaaallly got all the mail I’ve been waiting for! Mom’s package that she sent over a month ago finally got to me. Well technically, the slip of paper telling me the package is here arrived—I have to wait for Monday to pick it up, but I’m assuming that all goes smoothly. I also got my new debit card THANK THE LORRRRRRD ALMIGHTY. I was so worried it wouldn’t come before I left for 3 weeks for ISP. BUT IT DID!!! Hurrraaaaay! I went today to activate it at an ATM and at first, I thought it wouldn’t give me money, but my friend Berit showed me the secret of the ATM and TADA it spewed money! Life is just so different now knowing I can actually buy the things I want to. Yay yay yay. I also got one other important item of mail, but that didn’t turn out as well L (Of course my few seconds of bliss have to be spoiled.) In short, three of my best friends from home and I decided to do a fun “Traveling bracelet” over the semester because we’d all four be all over the world and we wanted an excuse to write to each other and to have a piece of jewelry we could all share and add a charm to as it came to us. I was so excited to get it! I’ve been waiting all semester and I already bought the charm I was going to add! WELLL Lisa sent me the bracelet that she and Val had already added awesome charms to from Spain but of course, by the time it got to me, the letter had been opened, the bracelet stolen, and THEN forwarded on to me. So the package was bracelet-less and I wanted to cryyyy. It’s just sooo annoying people are that selfish and have awful morals like that! I promise that bracelet had more meaning to me than the few dollars you would make taking it to a pawn shop. UGHHHHH.
Minus that small, but nonetheless depressing crisis, life is J Today I went on a “tour de Rabat” with a few friends to see all the touristy things of Rabat that we never have actually seen. We went to the mausoleum of the last king, Hassan II, and to an old Roman/Berber ruins that was awesome and very beautiful and there were lots of orange trees and it was totally ok, and even encouraged, to climb the trees and eat the oranges. Then we walked back into town and went to a café that magically sells smoothies! I would have put money on the fact that the concept of “smoothies” had yet to make it to Morocco, but no! I had a coconut/pineapple/mango/plum concoction that was deliiiicous. And then we sat around and vented about Morocco and gossiped about SIT hahaha. I also forgot to mention that it was an absolutely beautifullll day which played such a key role in my mood. I’ve been so used to rain, rain, dreary rain for the past few weeks that sunshine and beautiful weather was exactly what I needed.
I also talked to my academic director on Friday about my ISP project and he was so helpful. After chatting with him and sorting through my brain with him, I’ve decided to concentrate my research on the sociology and social concepts of childhood in Morocco. I’ll spare writing to you all the details of that right now but I’m actually very excited and anxious to get working—that’s a big plus considering I’ll be, in theory, spending three full weeks thinking about it (and thus writing about it on here so get ready! Haha) I was really worried that the topic I chose was going to only be mediocre in entertaining me but this topic is of a lot of interest to me, especially taking into account the Moroccan perspective.
I also have been stalking up on bootleg DVDs and am about to watch one that hopefully actually plays on my computer! Wish me luck on that one…


gail/mimi said...

Just thought I'd mention you don't have to be in Morocco to have your credit card 'eaten' in an ATM machine. It happened to me yesterday. But, I checked with the bank today and they will call me when the company comes and opens up the machine to refill it this afternoon and return my card. Because it too, mine, there's a good chance it had already devoured someone else's before me & probably a couple after me. Stinky machines!!!!!!

gail/mimi said...

The bank called and she mentioned that had I NOT stopped this morning and inquired about it, they would have cut up my card since I was NOT a member of that particular bank. How 'bout that? A good reason to only use my own bank's ATM from now on.

Sara said...

I hope that you are excited to come home, because I'm excited to see you! Plus, it will be sunny in Florida. Do you think you'll have internet while you do you ISP? I can't wait to hear more about it. I applied to do a richter for the summer, so it will be interesting to see you doing independent research abroad, because that still sounds so scary!