Saturday, December 6, 2008


So these past few days I’ve spent my time away from Rabat in a town called Chefchouen. It was my last little trip to travel throughout Morocco and I just can’t believe I hadn’t been there before now!! It was the most beauuutiful little town! I went with a few friends who went earlier in the semester and they were so anxious to get back and I understand why! This is a city that is known for being awesome and one of the biggest tourist attractions in the country. But it doesn’t attract the same tourists as the big cities like Marrakech. It’s a very chill, relaxed place in the mountains with lots of great hiking—although we didn’t commit to a hiking adventure given the cold temperatures and the short time we had. BUT it was sooo great anyway and I BOUGHT SO MUCH STUFFFFF. At least now I’m almost done with all my Christmas/gift shopping which is nice to know…
Also, this city is BLUE. The whole medina is painted blue. I’m not sure why although I’m sure there is a story behind it. But, yes, all the walls are painted blue and it’s so beautiful! This was one of the first cities I liked so much that it made me think I’d like to return someday and visit again. Not that I haven’t enjoyed other places in Morocco, but this was the first time that I really thought I may make a legitimate effort to return one day.
Anyway, time is quickly ticking away now and I have less than 10 days left in this country! I have a few days left to finish my paper then only a few days left for presentations and “de-orientation”! I can hardly believe it!!


Jaye said...

How many interviews have you done? I'm curious how the project is going.

JaceyTotta said...

I ended up doing 8 interviews total. I really wanted to do more, but first of all it was more difficult than I assumed to find people to talk to and organize a meeting time (let's just say Moroccans are not the most puncutal or rushed people) But also, the few I did end up have gave me so much information it would have been really hard to break down and analyze 20 interviews. I felt good about 8:)