Saturday, October 18, 2008

pictures from the SoExcr

the best chocolate milkshakes ever made...
there were kittens and a momma cat living in the hotel ion Marrakesh
the women making hte Argan oil products
the spice souk
Essouira...freaking beautiful
our classic picnic. Of course BREAD jsut add some peanut butter, jelly, frosting, tuan fish and SPREADABLE CHEESE... and its STILL white bread
but at least theres an awseom view while we eat the bread
the notorious tour bus

OLIVES!!!!! i wish i liked them...

thank goodness we found a bar!! hahah we had so much fun all hanging out:)
it sooo didn't matter that the booze was increadibly over priced.. these bars make a damn killing off tourists desperate for a drink!
souks! those are a million kinds of dates with some apricots and nuts and probably some figs
overwhelming!! but awesome nonetheless
we found an antique shop hiddne in the middle of the medina... it was amazing

the hotel that later began to melt when the rain came... it was so pretty and seemed so sturdy!! looks can be deceiving!
a musical performance in the desert...
THE Sahara Desert
what a small Moroccan villiage/town in bewtween the major cities looks like
Alice is so brave! although this picture plus another cost 20 dirham, it was so worth it! THAT THING IS HUGE!!!

the view for the entire trek back from the desert= serious car sickness
land rovers in the desert!!!
very fun/bumpy/probably unsafe ride
blury camels...
me and Laila

the monkeys were fearless.. (5 seconds after i took this, that monkey swiped a bag of chips and opened it in the trees)
goats/a small moutnain/ large iron crown... totally normal
frightening... but delicious once you get past avoiding the bones
this is what class is like (thats our "teacher on the right)... we had "class" in someone's room after dinner...? (note the seriousnes in everyones face)


Wills said...

haha I want to see a real-life picture of the goats in the trees. make it happen!

Ándrea said...

I love the pictures. They are amazing.