Tuesday, August 26, 2008

getting ready to leave...

The real countdown has officially begun! I leave for Morocco on Sept. 1st and will finally arrive there on the 2nd. It will be a very long 30 hours or so of airport time, but one I get to Rabat I have no doubt a fabulous adventure will begin and I will soon forget about being jetlagged!

I hope to keep up on this journal and somehow become an effienct blogger! Go easy on me at first as I learn my way around the details on my page, but eventaully I hope I've created a great way for all my family and friends to see what I'm up to while I'm in Morocco. Although I'm anxious, excited and very READY to begin this next semster, my family and friends will surely be missed! I love you all and thanks for your help, support and encouragement...

livin lovin life...


ldanieri said...

Wow! I know you are READY to set off on this fabulous adventure...and I am trying to decide if I am nervous or flat out jealous!!! Have a wonderful and safe time, Jacey.


kim said...

what a blast! i had no idea you were heading to morocco. such a great opportunity for you.
laura, i am jealous and not nervous of course but jacey, use your very capable feminine intuition and you'll be fine.
have the time of your life,

Shawna said...

I'm so glad your mom sent this so I can live vicariously through you! As I sit here at my desk in Olathe (and how boring is that?!?!)
I continue to be struck by your confidence and sense of adventure (that I wish I had!). Can't wait to read all about your time there!

slpilsl said...

Jacey - I'm very excited to hear about everything you see and do! I hope you can post lots of pics...I'm a loser as this is the first blog I've ever seen...

Have a great time!

Alicia said...

Hey -- I didn't know about this till your mom sent the link. I hope you get the chance to post lots of pictures. I know so little about Morroco...only the movie Casablanca. How sad is that?

gail/mimi said...

I'm very excited to have this way to communicate, darlin'. Grandmothers want to be aware of EVERYTHING about their grandchildren, you know!!!!!! (smile) But it IS my first time to blog and I'll be proud to tell my friends that now I know how to do it. Easy, breezy!
Love you,

Unknown said...

Have a blast...and don't touch or pet any monkeys!

gail/mimi said...

I just got a note from Border's Books AND I found out that "Twilight" is coming to the big screen on 11-21-08. How are you going to stand not being in the crowd to see it on the first weekend? I sure hope Jaye invites me to go with her......

kim said...

i think what shelly wrote was code for something naughty and she feared your mother was watching.

Jaye said...

I'm so excited I can hardly stand it. You'd think I was going. BTW I'm receiving all of your mail from school. Maybe you can change you're mailing address with them.

Unknown said...

Have a great time!! We can't wait to follow along on your travels. I just showed Brenna where Morocco is on the map, so she knows just where you are.

Safe travels.


Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
AMLeede said...

Jacey the crew already misses you and the beginning of the semester simply has not been the same. Obviously I'm very excited for you and can't wait to hear all your updates over the next few months. Safe travels tomorrow and throughout the semester and bring back plenty of memories. Peace and love.


Sara said...

I'm so excited to read about your time in Morocco!!!

Anonymous said...

i'm sorry we sucked so much at getting in touch.haha. maybe the blog will be better for us. if you are bored in the airport tomorrow give me a call! i miss you already love and I can't wait to hear all about your adventures.

Leslie said...

Glad to see/hear you are blogging this great adventure! I can't wait to read all about it - I hear you are on your way now... enjoy! You are in my thoughts, I know how those like 30hours of planes are... ugh! I loved keeping my Africa blog (leslieholtzen.blogspot.com) and my family and friends sure enjoyed it too! Be safe, love you, miss you!


Unknown said...

hi its blair on the holts computer have a fun time in morocco i hope you will have a fun time and new peeps


Unknown said...

hi jacey its brenna have a really really really good trip to africa i wish i could go its gonna be a nice time i just know it

Unknown said...

hi it is blair i am almost 7 i am 7 in 2 months i am so happy for u
have a great time

Kate Carlyle said...

I am so excited that i get to stalk you :) i love you darling. be careful and i look forward to hearing all about your crazy adventure.
p.s. you already know how i am about airports and waiting. 30 hours is not kosher with me.. lol love you!!!

Suzanne said...

Yea! You have brought us into "Blog!" Very excited to keep in touch with you on your great adventure! Take each day as if it was served to you on a silver platter....it is!

Anonymous said...


So glad we all have blogs now...will be awesome to know what's going on with everyone. I've been in Spain for a week now and absolutely love it! I hope you feel the same about Morocco...I will stay tuned!

P.S. my URL is: http://mexigurl14.blogspot.com/